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IB Philosophy

Should I Study IB Philosophy?

If you are interested in learning about who you are, what makes you you, and the foundations of humanity, then you may be a philosopher waiting to burst free. The Philosophy IB is offered at both a Standard Level and a Higher Level, with students taking the latter expected to complete a further paper and extra questions. An IB in Philosophy will aid you in applying for a University course in or related to Philosophy or other areas of the humanities. The IB in Philosophy consists of the study of a core theme, titled “Being Human”, as well as one (two for Higher Level) of 7 optional themes which are: aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, philosophy and contemporary society, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and political philosophy.

How to get a 7 in Philosophy?

To receive a 7 in IB Philosophy you must complete 2 papers and an internal assessment. The first paper is based upon a stimulus-based question that will test a student’s understanding of what it means to be a human. The second part of the first paper asks students to think about essay questions based on the optional themes you study throughout the rest of the course. The second paper tests the student’s knowledge on their prescribed philosophical text. Higher Level students will do a further paper based on an unseen text. It will test their ability to compare and contrast their experience regarding philosophy on the fly. These essay questions will need to be written in a clear and concise style, using technical diction and reflecting the various views and readings they have studied throughout the course. Finally, throughout their course students complete an internal assessment based on a philosophical analysis of a non-philosophical stimulus.

How CANA coaches students to achieve a 7 in IB Philosophy

Teachers at CANA will help students make sure they are prepared to answer questions in a structured, focused and organised manner. They will make sure the students are well versed in both the core component of IB Philosophy as well as their desired optional area, especially in regards to key terminology and vocabulary. The teachers will key in on what area the student finds most interesting or shows the most promise in, and will aid them to deliver the best answer they can in the exam. The student and CANA teacher will work on the philosophical text together, breaking it down into its core ideals to make it more understandable for the student, while also teaching them how to provide a correct and accurate answer in the exam.


Here at CANA Elite, we truly believe that every student is unique and has the potential to reach their goals with the right guidance. Academic excellence is derived from both passionate teachers and eager students. That is why we provide a unique learning experience tailored to each individual student. Named after the location of the first miracle in the Bible, we hope CANA elite can be the place of miracles for all our students, allowing them to achieve their dreams.